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Employ Milwaukee Tabling
2025-01-07 12:00:002025-01-07 14:00:00America/ChicagoEmploy Milwaukee Tabling Employ Milwaukee will be at the library to share information about employment opportunities, paid training programs, and much more.Mitchell Street Branch - Other - See description for location
Tuesday, January 07 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Add to Calendar2025-01-07 12:00:002025-01-07 14:00:00America/ChicagoEmploy Milwaukee Tabling Employ Milwaukee will be at the library to share information about employment opportunities, paid training programs, and much more.Mitchell Street Branch - Other - See description for location
In partnership with MPL, Voces de la Frontera is offering Beginner Citizenship Classes for the English Exam. All students should register before attending the classes with Roselia Navarro (414) 581 - 9617. Walk-ins are welcome if space allows. All students must have at least 5 years of residency or 3 years as a permanent resident who is married to a U.S. citizen. The class is presented in English and Spanish.
In partnership with MPL, Voces de la Frontera is offering Beginner Citizenship Classes for the English Exam. All students should register before attending the classes with Roselia Navarro by calling 414-581-9617. Walk ins welcome if space allows. All students must have at least 5 years residency or 3 years as a permanent resident who is married to a U.S. citizen. Class is presented in English and Spanish.
In partnership with MPL, Voces de la Frontera is offering Beginner Citizenship Classes for the English Exam. All students should register before attending the classes with Roselia Navarro (414) 581 - 9617. Walk-ins are welcome if space allows. All students must have at least 5 years of residency or 3 years as a permanent resident who is married to a U.S. citizen. The class is presented in English and Spanish.
The Milwaukee Justice Center can help with legal advice for issues including landlord/tenant, eviction and eviction records, small claims, debt/collections, probate, guardianship, divorce, child custody/placement, child support, and pardons/expungement. (Advice not provided for open/pending criminal cases, only post-conviction issues.)
Let's eat! Snack Hack explores the world of food through cooking demonstrations that focus on nutritional elements, food groups, cooking principles, and the history of food.
Voces de la Frontera is offering bilingual Beginner Citizenship Classes for the English Exam. Students should register with Roselia Navarro, call 414-581-9617. Walk ins welcome.
The Mobile Legal Clinic can help with estate planning with basic wills, powers of attorney for finances or health care, and living wills. Email to reserve a spot.
La Clínica Legal Móvil pueden ayudarle con testamentos básicos, poder notarial para asuntos financieros, el cuidado de la salud, y testamento en vida. Email para cita.
In partnership with MPL, Voces de la Frontera is offering Beginner Citizenship Classes for the English Exam. All students should register before attending the classes with Roselia Navarro by calling 414-581-9617. Walk ins welcome if space allows. All students must have at least 5 years residency or 3 years as a permanent resident who is married to a U.S. citizen. Class is presented in English and Spanish.
In partnership with MPL, Voces de la Frontera is offering Beginner Citizenship Classes for the English Exam. All students should register before attending the classes with Roselia Navarro (414) 581 - 9617. Walk-ins are welcome if space allows. All students must have at least 5 years of residency or 3 years as a permanent resident who is married to a U.S. citizen. The class is presented in English and Spanish.
In partnership with MPL, Voces de la Frontera is offering Beginner Citizenship Classes for the English Exam. All students should register before attending the classes with Roselia Navarro (414) 581 - 9617. Walk-ins are welcome if space allows. All students must have at least 5 years of residency or 3 years as a permanent resident who is married to a U.S. citizen. The class is presented in English and Spanish.
Venga a conversar con el abogado de inmigración de Voces de la Frontera acerca de las opciones de inmigración.
A lawyer from Voces de la Frontera will talk about immigration options.
Cargill Community Kitchen,Northwestern Mutual Foundation Studio M Makerspace
Let's eat! Snack Hack explores the world of food through cooking demonstrations that focus on nutritional elements, food groups, cooking principles, and the history of food.