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History Buff Book Club
2025-04-21 17:30:002025-04-21 19:00:00America/ChicagoHistory Buff Book ClubCalling all history buffs, History Buff Book Club is here! Please join us for a monthly non-fiction, history related book discussion.Tippecanoe Branch - Community Room, Gift of Heather Hurley
Monday, April 21 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Add to Calendar2025-04-21 17:30:002025-04-21 19:00:00America/ChicagoHistory Buff Book ClubCalling all history buffs, History Buff Book Club is here! Please join us for a monthly non-fiction, history related book discussion.Tippecanoe Branch - Community Room, Gift of Heather Hurley
Bring your projects for a monthly social fiber
arts get-together! All experience levels
encouraged. We welcome knitting, crochet,
tatting, sewing, mending or other fiber-related
Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers are invited to drop-in and play with sensory toys and activities. Recommended for children 6 months to 5 years old with a caregiver.
Bingo has been upgraded by adding some new YA titles mixed in with some of our old favorites. From The Book Thief to The Inheritance Games, win your way across the board!