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Employ Milwaukee Tabling
2025-01-30 15:00:002025-01-30 17:00:00America/ChicagoEmploy Milwaukee Tabling Employ Milwaukee will be at the library to share information about employment opportunities, paid training programs, and much more.Good Hope Branch - Other - See description for location
Thursday, January 30 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Add to Calendar2025-01-30 15:00:002025-01-30 17:00:00America/ChicagoEmploy Milwaukee Tabling Employ Milwaukee will be at the library to share information about employment opportunities, paid training programs, and much more.Good Hope Branch - Other - See description for location
Join Milwaukee Public Library and Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra for a special musical story time celebrating "Frederick's Fables" by composer Michael Abels, featuring four classic works by Leo Lionni.
The Milwaukee County Job Center Satellite Service provides drop-in assistance for job seekers. Learn how to: Use employment tools. Search for jobs. Create a professional resume. Improve interview techniques. Increase computer skills. Access training resources. File Unemployment Insurance claim.