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Baby Story Time
2024-12-12 10:00:002024-12-12 10:30:00America/ChicagoBaby Story TimeShare simple stories, playful songs and gentle movement in this lapsit story time for babies aged 0-18 months, with a caregiver. No Story Time Nov 28East Branch - Community Room, Gift of Lucile Krug
Thursday, December 12 10:00am - 10:30am
Add to Calendar2024-12-12 10:00:002024-12-12 10:30:00America/ChicagoBaby Story TimeShare simple stories, playful songs and gentle movement in this lapsit story time for babies aged 0-18 months, with a caregiver. No Story Time Nov 28East Branch - Community Room, Gift of Lucile Krug
Join us in celebrating young artists in our community during our Teen Art Gallery Night.
You'll have the chance to vote on the Teen Art Contest submissions and enjoy a variety of creative activities.
You bring it in we'll explain how to use it! Do you have a question about your smartphone, tablet, or other electronic device? Need help accessing library resources? Bring your device and questions to a librarian, we can help!
Young children and their caregivers are invited to a 30-minute story time filled with stories, songs and fingerplays all designed to help little ones develop important literacy skills needed prior to learning how to read.
Romance readers, seasoned and new to the genre, are invited to join the Milwaukee Public Library Romance Readers Book Club. We'll explore different subgenres and diverse voices, meeting every other month. December 3 - NOBLEMAN'S GUIDE TO SEDUCING A SCOUNDREL by K.J. Charles
You bring it in we'll explain how to use it! Do you have a question about your smartphone, tablet, or other electronic device? Need help accessing library resources? Bring your device and questions to a librarian, we can help!
Young children and their caregivers are invited to a 30-minute story time filled with stories, songs and fingerplays all designed to help little ones develop important literacy skills needed prior to learning how to read.
Bring your craft and hang-out for a cozy craft and chat! All-ages program to bring neighborhood crafters together. Every Thursday from September-December from 4:30-6pm
Young children and their caregivers are invited to a 30-minute story time filled with stories, songs and fingerplays all designed to help little ones develop important literacy skills needed prior to learning how to read.
Relax and puzzle your way through Wednesday morning in the beautiful East Branch Community Room. Crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, adult coloring supplies, and a beverage will be provided.
Bring your craft and hang-out for a cozy craft and chat! All-ages program to bring neighborhood crafters together. Every Thursday from September-December from 4:30-6pm
Young children and their caregivers are invited to a 30-minute story time filled with stories, songs and fingerplays all designed to help little ones develop important literacy skills needed prior to learning how to read.
The Milwaukee Justice Center can help with legal advice for issues including landlord/tenant, eviction and eviction records, small claims, debt/collections, probate, guardianship, divorce, child custody/placement, child support, and pardons/expungement. (Advice not provided for open/pending criminal cases, only post-conviction issues.)
Bring your craft and hang-out for a cozy craft and chat! All-ages program to bring neighborhood crafters together. Every Thursday from September-December from 4:30-6pm
Celebrate the traditional Icelandic book flood while creating cozy crafts, sipping a warm beverage, and picking out a free gift book (while supplies last).